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Pilates Reformer - Semi-Circle

In this video, Shoshana reviews Semi- Circle. This exercise stretches and opens the chest and spine through articulation in the first part of the exercise and stretches and opens the hips in the second part. It also strengthens the legs through out the whole exercise. Springs: 2 outside springs

Pilates Reformer - Chest Expansion

In this video Shoshana reviews Chest Expansion. This exercise strengthens the shoulder girdle and upper back back and stretches the chest. It also strengthens the back, abs, inner thighs and hamstrings. Springs: 2

Pilates Reformer - Thigh Stretch

In this video, Shoshana reviews Thigh Stretch. This exercise stretches the full quadriceps and hip flexors. Springs: 3

Pilates Reformer - Cork Screw

In this video, Shoshana reviews Cork Screw. This is a full body strengthening exercise. Springs: 2

Pilates Reformer - Frog and Leg Circles

In this video, Shoshana reviews Frog and Leg Circles. This is a leg strengthening exercise that challenges the stability of the pelvis. Springs: 2