In this video Shoshana reviews Swan Prep. This exercise strengthens the upper back muscles while stretching the chest muscles. It also woks the shoulder girdle. Springs: 1
Pilates Reformer - Pulling Straps 1 & 2
In this video, Shoshana reviews Pulling Straps. This is a shoulder girdle and upper back exercise. It is an upper and mid back strengthener and chest stretcher. Springs: 1
Pilates Reformer - Backstroke
In this video, Shoshana reviews Back Stroke. This is a coordination exercise. It is an advancement of coordination and a good prep for teaser. It strengthens the shoulder girdle and abdominals. Springs: 2
Pilates Reformer - Teaser
In this video, Shoshana reviews The Teaser. This exercise is an abdominal, back, shoulder girdle and hip flexor strengthener. Springs:1
Pilates Reformer - Short Box Series
Short Box Series- Including the Tree and Side Sit Ups. These exercises work to increase both abdominal and back strength and mobility of the spine. Side Sit Ups focuses on the obliques. Springs: 2